
Monday 18 November 2019

Keyhole Narrative

Keyhole Narrative

Jack looking for his keys but nowhere to be found. All of a sudden the key was in the keyhole but there was something diffrent about the door and his key, Jack walked closer and closer to the door and saw a shinning glow behind the door. Jack slowly turn the key, out of nowhere Jack gets swish into a new dimension. Jack looked surprise, Jack suddenly realized that that he knew the dimension was his comic book (Jake 2, Jake 3 v Jake 4.) Jack look around for Jake 2, Jake 3, Jack 4, but Jack Knew where they would be. So Jack run to a place where they would be and it was called camp half blood.

Camp half blood is a place for half god and half human which was in his comic book. Jake 2 and Jake 3 didn’t like Jake 4 but so did Jake 4, but they were all in the same team. The reason they don’t like Jake 4 is because he would always get the reward when they win. Jack saw the start another fight. jack knew what was coming, Jake 2 and 3 were going to start a war with Jake 4 but Jake 4 plan to kill Jake 2. 
Jake 4 start his plan to trie kill Jake 2 today. So Jake 4 snuck behind Jake 2 and Jake 3 saw Jake 4 and told Jake 2 to move but it was to late and jake 2 died. Jake 4 run for his life but stop and fought Jake 3 and Jack run in bewteen both of them and told them to stop bt they wouldn’t listen and keep on fighting. So Jack kick both of them and they both fell to the ground and they stop. Jack told they should be kind to each other. Jake 3 told Jack he kill me friend. Jack told them even if they do something wrong you should still be kind each other.

So Jake 3 & 4 were friend and went to Jake 2’s funerals and and Jack went back to his own dimension. Jack told himself that tody was a weird day. They lived happily ever 

The End

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