
Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Welcome to term 4

Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.

The holiday has ended and a new term is happening and the theme for term four is Te Wā Toi. We are learning about arts. I can’t wait to draw and also paint with my friends.

I am going to had a exciting because the events that are happening are and they are The Manaiakalani Film Festival, Athletics, Year 6 camp, Prizegiving, Testing, but not the reports because my mum might get angry.

My Goals for this term is to get a good report so my mum won’t get angry at me. I also want to be a leader for year 6 camp. I want to try be a presenter for the The Manaiakalani Film Festival. I want to finish my work.

I want to learn about different kinds of art and how they use to draw back in the day. I would like to learn about famous artists and what got them addicted to draw. I want to try draw cartoon and also pacific artifacts and items.

Te Wā Toi is going to be an a amazing term. I am going to look forward to the Manaiakalani Film Festival because I am the main actor for our Manaiakalani Film Festival, I’m looking forward to not seeing my report. Overall this term I think is going to be the besties term.

Task Description:  for this task we wrote about the new terms and then new expectoration and what we are about to learn. We also learned how to write a proper conclusion. The peace of this writing was really hard for me because I had lot's of ideas but I only could pick one idea. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacob.

    It sounds like you will be very busy this term. Not too busy to get a good report, I hope. I look forward to seeing your starring role in the Manaiakalani movie this year as well as the artwork and research you will be sharing on your blog.

    Have a great Term 4, Jacob. Keep up the good work!

    From Miss T.A
