
Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Immersion Assembly Term 3 2018

Walt: Using exciting language.

Term 3 and we had an Immersion Assembly!!  YAY =^..^=
Immersion Assembly is a assembly That consist of 5 movies of plays, The topic was move ya body which was a health and energy based topic.
Does your school do immersion assembly?

Like i said before the topic is move ya body which was a health and energy based topic but I’m sure that there is more to it.
Energetic and active is also a good way to describe our topic as it literally says Move Your Body which is energetic and active.
I think that movement is another key that explains move ya body.
So I think the energetic active and movement are three words that are related to move your body and they all mean moving.

If you didn't know my team is Team Four and our movie was about having fun while also staying active.
One of the activities the teacher's did was playing spoon hockey.
Which was a game where you had to put a spoon in your mouth and play hockey.

What i want for the term is that I would love to learning somewhere around movement
and health projects, health projects can be based around food's, our body, and energy based projects.
Movement projects could be like sports as sports create movement, more movement projects could also be based on energy.

Overall I think this term has a very interesting topic because of what it stands move ya body means heaps of things.
I hope that the future of term 3 will be (AWESOMES!!) =^..^=   
Task Description:For this Task we had to write a recount about the immersion assembly for term 3.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacob. I liked the Team 4 Move Ya Body movie too. I wonder if Team 4 will hold a spoon hockey tournament. How fun would that be? What was your favourite part of the Immersion Assembly? Thanks for sharing your term goals. Keep up the good work!

    Miss T.A
